
The Importance of Attitude

#bfrdpwy #aginternship #RightRisk

This week my boss and I went up the road to the neighbors so that we could help with a branding. The calves were big because it was such a late branding. That made it difficult to get them all branded but it was still good fun and the working atmosphere and company was good.

After about 5-1/2 hours we finished up the branding and afterwards, we went and shared a meal together. We ate tacos and fruit salad. What I learned from this experience would be that getting jobs done is often about the attitude of the people doing the job rather than the job itself.

This week I would say that often times people make a majority of jobs done on a ranch unenjoyable due to their attitude. I would challenge that by saying most of the time, what makes jobs fun or enjoyable is not the task being done but the people doing it and the attitude that they have towards it. For example, a branding it not necessarily super fun work but, because of the atmosphere and since everyone is choosing to have a good time, it ends up being more enjoyable.

I don’t have any questions related to this idea at this point. I would, however, like to learn more about efficiently roping, as well as get more experience roping cattle so that I would be able to rope either at a branding or just in general when I need to catch something. The skill of being able to rope is useful and something that I desire to get better and improve my ability to do.

What I plan to do with what I learned this week is that I would [like to] work on creating a better working environment for everyone around me just with my attitude, so that while we are completing tasks it would be more enjoyable. At the branding I also noticed that while I was roping, I often times would betray my horse by lifting my hand that held my coils and my reins while coiling my rope and throwing it. I don’t want to do this and moving forward I want to work on becoming more disciplined with my horsemanship as I ride.

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