
Introduction to Irrigation Systems & Doctoring Cattle

#bfrdpwy #aginternship #RightRisk

Over this past week I have learned a little about irrigation systems and different types of irrigation equipment like a center pivot and a side roll. A center pivot is a very long irrigation system with small sprinklers, also called birds, that spray out water underneath them. I learned that it is important to make sure that none of the birds are plugged up and that all of them have pressure and are spraying water. With the center pivot, the entire irrigation system pivots and moves around a single point. A side roll will roll along its side spraying out water as it moves.

I also learned about doctoring animals that need extra assistance. We had a couple of cows, calves, and bulls that were sick or limping. I learned how to cut them out of the herd using horses in order to treat them. Some of the cows and calves we roped and some of them we brought into a chute so we could care for and treat them. This week I also put out mineral and salt blocks in feed troughs for the cows. I learned about the necessity of putting out important minerals for the cattle so they stay healthy and putting out salt blocks so the cows get salt and drink more water.

The concepts I would challenge from this week is I feel that we may have waited too long to start irrigating the pastures. We were getting a lot of rain so we did not need to irrigate for a while. However, ever since we started cutting grass for hay the rain has stopped. I challenge that we could have started using the irrigation systems earlier. Providing the grass with lots of water so it will regrow is important for feeding the cattle and also for the second cutting of grass in order to make more hay.

I have questions about how the irrigation systems work and how to get them running. We did not start irrigating until recently so there is still a lot I do not know about the equipment. I did not see my boss start up the side rolls or the center pivot. I would like to know how they are started up and how you are supposed to know when they are working properly. I would also like to know how long the irrigation systems are supposed to run for and when you shut them off. I also have questions about different types of minerals and salt blocks and which are the best to use for your cattle and why.

I plan to apply all of the knowledge that I have learned this week in the future if I am ever raising livestock animals or running a ranch of my own someday. It is important to learn how to irrigate your pastures if they are not getting enough rain and I want to be able to provide food for my future animals. It is also important to learn how to care for hurt and sick animals. I will use this in the future if I am ever doctoring my animals and I will especially apply this knowledge if I end up going to veterinary school. If I raise livestock animals like horses or cattle I plan on putting out mineral or salt blocks now that I know more about their importance and the positive impact that they can have on the animals health and wellbeing.

Submitted by: Leiana Andrade Stout
Edits by: GrowinG Internship Team

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