
Farming is Necessary for a Large Ranch

#bfrdpwy #aginternship #RightRisk

I have learned that in order to operate a large ranch that farming is necessary. The ability to feed your own animals as well as having secondary and tertiary income besides beef is what gets you through the hard lows in the beef market. I have also learned being a mechanic or having a mechanic [on hand] is also necessary to financially survive as a rancher. I have also learned that where your land is located has a huge impact on being able to receive financial aid for things like installing pivots in your pastures.

I don’t have any [concepts or ideas to challenge] yet.

I have literally asked questions from operations, to livestock care, to breeding, to replacements heifers, to how to buy a brand, to how finances are run.

I am going to take tools about how to use FSA first time owner loans for my own future considerations as well as programs from NRCS.

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