
Adjusting to a New Lifestyle

#bfrdpwy #aginternship #RightRisk

This week was my first of ten working on a cattle and hay operation in southeast Wyoming. My goal for this week was to understand the basics of the operations and tasks necessary to keep it running. Firstly, I learned that agriculture work is different than office work in that there is an air of unpredictability at all times. A project could go from being projected to take a couple of hours to instead lasting several days. I also learned that there is always an incoming barrage of projects that need to be completed.

I have mostly been interested in the ways that these various operations are handled. However, to understand this, I first have to understand the nature of all the operations. I am curious whether a feeling of unstructuredness is simply because of a lack of experience in the field leading to an impaired ability to anticipate the operations correctly. While I have read about agricultural operations, being on-site and learning about the nitty-gritty details has led to plenty of knowledge transfer already in the first week.

Yet, I still have several questions. I have essentially learned about the operation from a zoomed-out lens, but now have to dive deeper and focus on the specific details of them. This comes in the form of learning mechanical skills and learning more about the business aspect as well. I have bombarded my gracious host with many questions and anticipate asking questions at the same rate over the next few weeks.

With the knowledge from this past week, I intend to digest the information that I have received. I also intend to create a list of more detailed questions that will lean towards the areas that I am interested in. I am looking forward to the next several weeks and expect to learn a lot!

Submitted by: AJ Mishra
Edits by: GrowinG Internship Team

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