

#bfrdpwy #aginternship #RightRisk

As these final days draw to a close, a bittersweet feeling seems to have settled over the entire landscape. Though I recognize it’s mostly my own emotions as I prepare to leave what I’ve come to think of as a dry paradise, it feels as though this sentiment is infused into the very air. Over the past few weeks, I’ve immersed myself in the rhythm of the ranch, learning the daily routines of the livestock and observing the wildlife that roams the range. I’ll miss exploring the creeks, wadis, playas, and buttes of the Northern Wyoming prairie, which have become a backdrop for so many unforgettable experiences.

Of course, while the exploration has been fun and the knowledge gained has been invaluable, ranch work also comes with its share of responsibilities. Working with livestock is a daily reminder of the importance of staying vigilant to ensure their well-being. Regular checks on the condition and whereabouts of the animals are crucial, especially since things can sometimes go awry in your absence. These checks can help prevent avoidable mishaps.

Particularly during this time of year, daily inspections of water sources are vital. As reservoirs dry up, the ground around them can become muddier, posing challenges for livestock. Ensuring access to clean, safe water is as important in the hot months as it is during the winter, when snow and ice can create their own set of obstacles.

There have been moments where a quick response has made all the difference. One memorable day during my internship, deciding to check on the water tanks instead of finishing another task turned out to be the right choice. That decision helped ensure the safety of three animals in one afternoon. While three animals may seem like a small number compared to the thousands on the ranch, each success is a rewarding reminder of the impact timely actions can have.

There have been moments where a quick response has made all the difference. One memorable day during my internship, deciding to check on the water tanks instead of finishing another task turned out to be the right choice. That decision helped ensure the safety of three animals in one afternoon. While three animals may seem like a small number compared to the thousands on the ranch, each success is a rewarding reminder of the impact timely actions can have.

This small victory added a welcome sense of fulfillment to my last week on the ranch. It stood in contrast to the more routine moments where we simply managed the challenges that arise in an environment ruled by nature’s unpredictability. As I look back on my time here, I’ll carry with me the lessons learned and the satisfaction of having made a difference, however small.

Submitted by: Cody Lancaster
Edits by: GrowinG Internship Team

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