
Finding A Balance

#bfrdpwy #aginternship #RightRisk

As another eventful week unfolded on the ranch, I found myself immersed in valuable lessons that contributed to my understanding of ranching. This week included turning bulls out to branding calves and battling unpredictable weather, with each day presented new challenges and opportunities for growth. In my reflections from this week, I discovered the importance of our practices for managing herd health and adapting practices that encourage a healthy balance between nature and livestock.

One major point became clear throughout the past week: versatility is key. While pushing cattle to a new grazing area, I witnessed the bulls roaming across the vast expanse of the desert and the power of nature at play. By rotating the grazing areas for our livestock, we reduce our impact on the land and promote the improvement of soil, plant, and animal life. The bulls roamed freely, instinctively selecting their grazing spots and demonstrating the power of natural selection in breeding programs. There is a social order among them, with the dominant bulls breeding with more females than submissive bulls. Occasionally problems can arise, and bulls who become too aggressive with each other may need to be separated to avoid one of them getting injured. It’s important that we continue to monitor their behavior and adapt as needed. This experience reinforced the notion that flexibility and openness to change are essential in ranching.

One concept that struck me during our venture into the desolate land was the need to challenge our traditional approach to managing unpredictable weather. As we encountered an unexpected downpour while pushing cattle, I couldn’t help but question our strategies. How can we better anticipate and navigate the challenges posed by inclement weather? Are there alternative methods to guide cattle and prevent them from returning to unfavorable areas during such conditions? We can open doors to innovative solutions that improve our ranching practices by challenging established ideas. Exploring new strategies, seeking advice from seasoned ranchers, attending workshops, and delving into resources on effective weather mitigation techniques will broaden my knowledge and contribute to the continuous improvement of our ranching operations.

An important aspect of cattle management involves ensuring the health of the herd. To promote herd health, ranchers employ various practices such as vaccinating, branding, and castrating calves. This week, we had the opportunity to perform these procedures on a few calves. To minimize stress on the calves, we work together quickly. We carefully passed the calves through a chute, roped their hooves, and administered vaccinations, branded them, and completed castration. Vaccinations and castrations serve obvious health purposes, but branding may be less apparent to some. Branding serves as proof of ownership to state inspectors, aids in identifying and returning wandering cattle to their herd, and acts as a deterrent against cattle theft. Through this quick and efficient procedure, each calf was branded on its hip before being returned to the pasture.

Despite the wealth of experiences gained, I find myself considering several lingering questions. How can we strike a balance between allowing nature to take its course and actively managing the well-being of our livestock? What are the most effective techniques to mitigate the impact of unpredictable weather and ensure the safety of both animals and ranchers? Exploring these questions will broaden my knowledge and contribute to the continuous improvement of our ranching operations. By seeking innovative solutions, incorporating practical wisdom, and maintaining a curious mindset, I aim to become a more skilled and informed rancher. Looking ahead, I plan to leverage the knowledge gained during this week to strengthen my contributions to the ranch. The emphasis on flexibility and resilience will guide my actions as I face future challenges. To deepen my understanding of weather patterns and their impact on ranching, I seek advice from seasoned ranchers, attend workshops, and explore resources offering insights into effective strategies.

The past week has been a transformative journey of growth and discovery on the ranch, from witnessing the importance of adaptability to questioning established concepts. I am committed to continuous improvement in my role as a rancher. With a newfound sense of purpose, I embrace the future, ready to navigate challenges and contribute to our ranching operations.

Submitted by: Tristen DeLange
Edits by: GrowinG Internship Team

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