
Importance of Adequate Irrigation

#bfrdpwy #aginternship #RightRisk

The Big Horn basin in the Red Desert is the driest part of the state. When trying to grow enough alfalfa to feed large herd sizes, irrigation and ensuring each pasture has adequate water for the herd size is imperative to overall herd health.

Throughout this week I gained knowledge about the different pipe sizes, benefits of having a pivot, and how to judge when to water each of the fields. I also learned how to find water sources for your herd in sage. Although it may not be the most exciting job, it is an important one. Similarly, I was able to see the effects of a hard rain on such soft soil, such as washes and sink holes. It really put into perspective for me just how fragile the environment is in Wyoming.

I really respect and admire the way the ranch I am at operates things, and I have not found anything that I would challenge about this operation. I found it interesting how they dug for wells and attempted to keep as much as the water tank in the ground and insulated for the cold winters. They also attempt to use natural reservoirs and are constantly checking to see if each tank and pipe system is working properly. However, it was very apparent to me when driving through surrounding areas how much people do not know about irrigation. It was easy to put out areas of fields that have been over or under watered simply due to lack of education. I know many people in the agriculture industry have their own “right” way of doing things, however, I wish people would take a step back and really take the time to study how they can improve their operations.

A few areas I still have questions about are: the bookkeeping for herd management, and the best ways to keep track of breeding and pasture rotations. How I plan to use the knowledge that I have gathered from this week is when I begin having the need to grow my own hay – finding the best piece of land to grow alfalfa on and implement either pipe or pivot irrigation methods. I find it also important when I look for land that I be next to a river as it would make the irrigation process easier instead of having to dig for wells.

Submitted by: Chloe Henderson
Edits by: GrowinG Internship Team

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