
Perspective of Ranching Foundations

#bfrdpwy #aginternship #RightRisk

This past week, I had the opportunity to take part in the daily operations of a ranch in Wyoming. It is a hands-on experience that is teaching me valuable lessons about cattle handling, maintenance tasks, and operating machinery. One point I learned was the significance of proper organization in ranch management. Sorting cows and calves into pairs demonstrated the importance of efficient systems and effective record-keeping. Additionally, I gained insights into tasks such as fence repair and fixing a pivot water system, which highlights how essential maintenance work is to keep the ranch functioning smoothly. Operating a tractor and using it to prepare the land for planting through discing deepened my understanding of the role of machinery in agriculture. These practical lessons have equipped me with knowledge that will be valuable moving forward.

While I have learned a lot during my time on the ranch, I cannot confidently challenge the methods, concepts, or ideas that were utilized. I need more time and experience to fully grasp the intricacies of ranching. I soon hope to deepen my understanding and gain the knowledge necessary to question and challenge established practices in the field. Despite what I’ve already learned, I am particularly curious about pasture management techniques that promote sustainable grazing patterns and preserve the long-term health of the land. Also, I have questions about optimizing livestock nutrition and ensuring their well-being in varying weather conditions.

Moving forward, I hope to apply what I have learned during my internship to practical settings. I aim to continue honing my cattle handling skills and gain hands-on experience in various aspects of ranch management. Furthermore, I intend to share my experiences and insights with others who are interested in ranching.

My week on the ranch provided me with valuable insights into cattle handling, maintenance tasks, and operating machinery. I learned about the importance of organization in ranch management and the significance of various maintenance tasks. While I still have much to learn, I am eager to continue exploring topics such as sustainable pasture management and livestock nutrition. I am excited to continue my learning journey of ranching and agriculture.

Submitted by: Tristen DeLange
Edits by: GrowinG Internship Team

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