Meet Our Co-Director, John Hewlett!

Meet John Hewlett, a co-director for GrowinG-WY Internship Program!
John Hewlett is a Ranch/Farm Management Specialist at the University of Wyoming; co-director of the Wyoming GrowinG Beginning Farmers and Ranchers project; and member of the regional Negotiation in Agriculture, Ag In Uncertain Times, RightRisk, and Risk Navigator teams. He also coordinated past efforts of the regional WIRE program. He grew up in Washington State, where he worked eight years (four as foreman) on a large stocker-cattle/crop operation. John holds a B.Sc. degree in Agricultural Business from Montana State University and a M.Sc. degree in Agricultural Economics from Oregon State University.
He came to the University of Wyoming, Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics in 1987. Since then he has been involved in a number of state and regional extension programs, receiving the Outstanding Educator Award from the UW College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, the Outstanding Extension Career Award from the Western Agricultural Economics Association, two Agricultural & Applied Economics Association awards for professional excellence, five Western Agricultural Economics Association awards for outstanding extension programs, three Western Extension Directors awards of excellence, three UW Cooperative Extension awards for creative excellence, the Jim DeBree Excellence in Cooperative Extension award, a National Association of County Agricultural Agents Distinguished Service award, the Wyoming Association of County Agricultural Agents Outstanding Agricultural Extension Educator award, and twelve other regional or national awards.
Over his career, John has been involved in 123 grant-funded projects totaling over $11.3M, contributed to 25 books or book chapters, 15 journal articles, 72 abstracts or posters, 105 extension bulletins, 100 fact sheets, over 1,000 popular press articles, news releases and social media posts, 50 web sites, 78 web courses/online tools, presented over 177 professional presentations/webinars, and over 600 extension programs.
John’s current extension interests include risk management, integrated management, enterprise assessment, financial analysis, recordkeeping, and applications of technology in agriculture.