
Benefits of Mineral Use

#bfrdpwy #aginternship #RightRisk

This week I learned more about mineral placement and how it can be effective in moving cattle to desired locations. We put mineral out to a bunch of cattle, aiming to draw them together. Mineral is palatable to cattle and is a staple in their diet. The operation I work on often times will use mineral to bring the cattle together on the mountain so that we utilize our time and efforts more efficiently. We also use mineral to provide herd impact on sagebrush-encroached areas to break it down and impact the ground underneath. Through intensive herd impact and long rest periods, we will begin to regenerate particular areas where sagebrush is limiting the native grasses.

Before working here, I never viewed mineral and salt as a tool to help direct the movement of cattle to encourage grazing and herd impact in particular areas. I learned about similar practices at the UW Ranch Management and Agricultural Leadership session called Managing the Winter. I learned that placing mineral on top of hills and knobs encourages cattle to move and eat at all elevations. It was neat to see this technique used. I plan on learning more about different practices for using mineral as a tool, as well as a way to supplement cattle so they are healthier and more productive.

My questions this week would be: how do you chose the correct mineral supplement, which trace minerals do you focus on and utilize, and is mineral choice affected by breed, climate, and stage of life that the animals are in.

Submitted by: Titus Schadegg
Edited by: GrowinG Internship Team

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