
Gardening Decisions and a Barn Sour Horse

#bfrdpwy #aginternship #RightRisk

This week I finished a garden that I have been building for the local boys and girls club. There were several challenges I faced while starting the garden. Two of those were: the weeds and where the garden was going to be placed. The weeds started to overtake the garden and have been growing faster than they can be pulled and kept up with. Part of gardening, or ranching and farming, is needing to decide how to treat inconveniences like weeds. I had the choice to either spray the weeds and risk contaminating the garden plants or to keep pulling weeds as quickly as I can.

As I mentioned earlier, location of the garden was a challenge. The garden was on a slope and it was becoming noticeable that water was not reaching the plants correctly or efficiently. With the slope, the decision had to whether to attempt to redo the furrows or to leave them as they were. In talking it over, we decided that the decision would be let to those who work the garden next year. Before planting for the next year, they will need to decide if they want to spray for weeds, as well as if they want to try to restructure for wells to be around the plants instead of furrows.

There was another problem I faced this week, outside of working with the garden. The horse I ride has been very barn and buddy sour. When we are gathering cows, he starts this act where he walks but acts like he is trotting and will throw his head and try turning towards the barn or his buddy. He has also tried to buck me off when I try to correct his behavior. In trying to overcome his bad behavior, I run him in circles in the opposite direction he wants to go until he responds. I plan on learning more ways to help him, as well as myself, when he is acting barn or buddy sour.

Submitted by: Mckenna McGraw
Edited by: GrowinG Internship Team

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