
Invasive Weed Interventions

#bfrdpwy #aginternship #RightRisk

This week at the ranch we had more bulls get out onto the railroad tracks. This reoccurring problem shows me the importance of if you have people leasing your land for anything to be in contact with them especially, if it’s their responsibility to maintain the upkeep of the fence in that area. Another recurring problem is the invasive weeds that we are still fighting. We have a problem with thistles, Russian nap weed, hound’s tongue, and tumble weed. We have to go to each pasture and either pull and[/]or chop down each of these weeds before they go to seed. The problem within the problem is that since it has been so warm the heat has been forcing the weeds to go to seed earlier which gives us less time to control them.

Something I would change is instead of chopping down the weeds [is having] I would rather have cows come eat the heads of the weeds or call weed and pest. That makes more sense to me because [with]for cows you can have the weeds taken out naturally and it gives substance to them as well. But With weed and pest those guys are there for a reason to help people take care of problems like this so they may do something different that helps get rid of the problem better.

I do not have any questions since this week was pretty much doing things and dealing with problems that have already occurred, so I am very familiar with what to do now.

Something I plan on doing with what I learned is to learn more about invasive species of plants especially weeds, toxic and non-toxic. While walking in a pasture this knowledge will help me to identify and determine problem species and will help me to come up with a plan on how to be rid of that certain plant whether it be to cut the seed head off, have cattle graze it or call weed and pest.

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