
Check and Recheck to Be Sure

#bfrdpwy #aginternship #RightRisk

[One point important to note]Some points that were important this week was the importance of checking fence. We had two bulls get out of the pasture and get onto the railroad tracks. The people who run the railroad tracks called us up to let us know that we had bulls out. If we did not know or someone did not catch it sooner we could have [had] two dead bulls.

Another important point is to always check the livestock. We have a horse named Cody who had Laminitis [which has] healed. [H]e then started to [get] cut open [on] the bottom of his stomach, because of the flies that were on him. [He then] started to bleed heavily and if we [had not caught] it any sooner, then he could have gotten an infection.

A concept that I would change is how they brand. I think that the need of branding your calves instead of just sticking an ear tag on them with your brand is more important. The problem of loss of cattle and people stealing them is very high in my opinion.

Another thing I would change is to start making lists of jobs from most important to least. I think that it is important to make sure that everything gets done and nothing is forgotten about.

For this week I again do not have any questions.

Some plans that I have on doing for what I have learned this week is to consider how we can check more fences to try to [reduce]lessen the rate of cows and bulls getting out. Another plan is to check the horses more often to make sure that they are healthy and well. it in a way.

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