
Using Concrete in Ranching

#bfrdpwy #aginternship #RightRisk

This past week I got to learn more about irrigation and how to use both tools of pivots and gated pipe. I have learned that the gated pipe requires a lot of labor versus the pivot, but the pivot is not a catch all. In the fields that have pivots we still had to lay gated pipe in the areas it didn’t cover.

We also worked on a new water project that involved spanning pipe across a river by burying pipe and pouring a concrete box in order to improve water access from the ditch and not from the syphon. This takes a bunch of time right now, however, it pays dividends for the future by ensuring permanent access to water.

Another day we took 24 pairs out to BLM grazing in the bad lands. These leases allow access to grazing that would otherwise not be possible, and also provides benefits to the government of in range management practices.

I don’t have any concepts to challenge. This ranch applies everything that I have learned so far in college and therefore I have nothing to challenge. When I have practices that I do challenge I will submit them in this question.

I have a ton of questions at this point. From how to create a business plan, to how to apply for FSA loans. How to create a plan for operating cost loans in order to show what I am going to buy will improve my income and will justify the loan.

I want to learn more about their bull selection and what herds of heifers or cows they choose to pair them up with. I want to learn more about what they look for in the horses they buy and why. I want to learn more about how to separate your land from your house as far as a deed personally to deed under your agribusiness LLC.

I want to learn more about how you get paid personally versus what the business gets paid. I want to learn more about how to know when to effectively graze to prevent things like bloat, nitric toxicity, and prussic acid poisoning.

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